Steven Fujimoto

liz | December 11th, 2013 | Pages | Comments Off on Steven Fujimoto

“Betula Lenta is the scientific name of the primary constituent of a decidedly humble material commonly used in my artwork.   First designed as an inexpensive alternative to more costly building stock, plywood in a functional sense is meant to be hidden: Painted, clad, stuccoed, or entombed.   My use of plywood seeks to explore the hidden beauty of this material through manipulation, adornment, enrichment, modification, and embellishment.

The artworks proposed for the exhibit “Luminosity” are all plywood-based wall- and pedestal-mounted sculpture.  I utilize a variety of supplemental materials to create unique, stand-alone pieces; however, the unifying manifesto for this show is equal parts theme/idea as well as commonality of material.  The transformative process from rough-hewn to refinement is the journey that I propose to take for the show, Luminosity.”

Steven Fujimoto, 2013

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