‘Linear Motion’ September 13th-October 11th

‘Linear Motion’  September 13th – October 11th 2008


* click here to see more images from the Opening and show.

* click here to see images from the Closing, with the addition of Decalage Deluxe

http://outsideleft.com/main.php?updateID=1108 (article on artist Jordan Gaunce)

Linear Motion

Lines. They are seemingly simple, without meaning or purpose, never entering our consciousness.  Yet lines are everywhere.  They are straight, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, thick, thin, colored, colorless even invisible. They can be stationary, active, converging, intersecting, overlapping in countless directions.  Lines made up of particles move through the atmosphere, undetected by the human eye.  We create habitats and objects by measuring a simple line.  Everyday activities- driving, walking- are confined within lines.  We become aware of lines only when we acknowledge them.

The Loft at Liz’s presents 7 artists who perceive and interpret the simple line, turning it into an object of relevance and beauty. Through different materials and thought processes: Op Art, collage, monotype, sculpture, painting, acrylic, oil, abstract, graphic, they set lines into motion.

Artists: Linda Jo RusselI, Joan Tucker, Alessandro Violi, Jordan Gaunce, Gary Frederick Brown, Luigia Martelloni, Pierre-LoÏc Denichou

Introducing: Décalage Deluxe, Redesigned Custom Furniture


The Loft at Liz’s

453 S La Brea Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90036

323-939-4403 ext 6

Monday – Saturday

10am – 6pm