Diverted Destruction is back for its 5th annual incarnation!  With a host of works created from the castoffs and remnants of societal discards, Diverted Destruction continues to raise poignant questions regarding consumerism, waste and human sustainability.  With a diverse mix of sculpture, painting, mixed media and installations, The Loft at Liz’s brings us yet another stunning lineup of world-class artists with a deep purpose and message.


Our Saturday evening reception (6/30) features a special guest musical performance by Robert S. Hilton, a percussionist and teacher who creates and plays unique instruments made from natural and “found” objects.  Hilton performs in “The 3 Peace Ensemble” and teaches at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena. 7pm – 10pm

Robert is a true multi-instrumentalist, with creations including flutes, horns, percussive instruments, guitars and other such stringed instruments. Discarded items such as paint cans, PVC pipe, bamboo and even a teapot, are skillfully assembled to create his truly one-of-a-kind sound.

Sunday (7/01) begins with our Panel Discussion in which we will discuss a range of topics from found object and ecological art to brownfield and landfill management in Los Angeles.  2pm – 3:30pm

Our guest panelists include:
Bobby Furst – Artist
Amanda Keller-Konya – Artist
Liz Gordon – Curator
Dianna Cohen – Creative Director of The Plastic Pollution Coalition
David R. Diaz Ph.D. – Director of Urban Studies Program College of Natural and Social Sciences
Tom Coda – Environmental Protection Specialist (EPA)

The afternoon is followed by Liz’s annual “Found Object Giveaway“, in which a variety of items will be shared with our community of artists.  From wine corks to buttons, hardware, magazines and other curious ephemera, guests are encouraged to forage through items for the purpose of creating their own works of art.  4pm – 5pm

Our DD5 exhibit celebration continues (8/25) with an Artist Workshop.  All guests are welcomed to join in creating found-object works.  You may bring your own materials and/or help yourself to the items we will be sharing.  This free event also serves as a meet & greet with several of our featured artists.  2pm – 4pm