Trained as a cell biologist, my main interest has always been in pattern formation and self-assembly – the ability of simpler parts to assemble into a complex whole through combination’s of their basic behaviors. Glass is like this. It starts out hard and inflexible, but through its behaviors, inherited from the solid phase with its varied configurations, and rearranged and combined by heat, it passes through a molten phase and expresses elements of both. Most of my work is multi-layered, formed when plates and fragments of solid join as a liquid. Processes of extension, retraction, and accretion combine to form emergent patterns, and in this process become an organic entity.
B.S MIT, 1973
M.S. U. Colorado, Boulder 1977 – Molecular Neurobiology
Ph. D. Caltech, 1979
Bruce’s career as scientist, engineer, and educator has always been linked with his artistic sensibilities. The deep investigation into the nature of materials and the systematic methods he employs reveal the similarity between science and art.