ART 1307




ART 1307

We have chosen to found a cultural association because we want to involve as many people as possible in our project, something which is facilitated by a simple and dynamic structure. It is important to understand that people do not tend to be persistent in their pursuits, and that they therefore want to be free to choose what to take an interest in, and what not.

And so a structure with a solid and lasting basis, surrounded by people who want to be involved without any obligations, seemed the ideal solution in order to reach our goal.  But what goal? Our goal is to promote art and those who love art.

By this we do not only mean artists, but also its users (not a pretty word, but it gives an idea) who often, in spite of their interest, lack the cultural basis. This is not their fault; the Italian society and school do not promote cultural values as much as one might wish. Therefore, beyond pretty empty sentences, our purpose is to promote all those initiatives that enable people to familiarize with every art form, in the most ample sense of the term, without any regard for territorial aspects. We will therefore be present wherever it is possible to bring culture.

Because it is only by providing an as ample as possible knowledge of artistic phenomena that we can think of improving ourselves and others. It is a matter of an immense, if not impossible effort. But a small drop is always something. One must try, and not lose heart.

We set ourselves the goal of finding venues, both in Italy and abroad, where we can present all art genres without  any preclusion. Making our artists known, especially those who are independent, both by choice and by necessity, from the media circuits. All we can do is to begin our work, and invite those who read to register themselves, and if possible work with us.

ART 1307, llc
10501 Wilshire Blvd #605
Los Angeles, 90024 CA
Ph. +1 310 9484268

ART 1307 – Cultural Institution
Rampe Sant’Antonio a Posillipo, 104
80122 Naples – Italy
Ph. +39.081.660216 – Fax +39.081.665456